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Travel Amazin

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jeudi 28 août 2014


Pérou par caronmThe quest for the mythical Eldorado has attracted an endless stream of Peru conquistadors hungry for wealth and power, like Aguirre, lieutenant of Pizarro and hero of the eponymous film by Werner Herzog. Nearly five centuries later, the legends of Inca treasures still run the calles of Peru, but it is not gold that has fascinated adventurers: the stone erected in lofty mountains, carved into sacred valleys, charged in walls pavers perfectly seals, witnesses expertise of the Incas.
It is also the incalculable human, natural and cultural richness of Peru you'll come explore. Of course, there is the Machu Picchu and Cuzco, the ancient capital of the Inca Empire. But you will discover the remains of other civilizations that inhabited the region before the Empire of the Sun: the Nazca, the Chavín, Chimú or the Moche (pronounced "Motché!"). Not to mention the parties and ceremonies, mixing in a syncretism constantly revisited Catholic beliefs and ancient pre-Columbian rites.
Between the sandy desert coast, bathed by the cold Humboldt current, the peaks of the Cordillera Blanca with all its opportunities for hiking, arid steppes of the Altiplano populated llama and vicuna and the "green hell" of the forest Amazon, it would be surprising if you do not find in Peru, enough to satisfy your thirst for exoticism. Off to Adventure!

Watch out! Machu Picchu is under threat of damage due to the tourists. A quota of daily visitors was set at 3,000 people per day. Reservation is now mandatory in the summer on the site of the Ministry of Culture.

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